Thursday, April 15, 2010

Liberal Thinking

While I've never joined nor been a donor to the Australian Liberal Party, over the past 35 years, I've been an active follower of politics in Australia and much of the rest of the world. Over this time, my political leanings have veered further towards what I consider to be fairly common ground for Liberal voters, namely individual responsibility, smaller less and intrusive government, equality of opportunity (not outcomes) and a rejection of middle-class welfare.

These basic areas of belief seem to run against the main underpinnings of Labor politics, so it is hardly a stretch to find that much of what Labor does or proposes makes me shake my head in wonder. My thoughts on the Greens are best kept to myself lest I fall foul of my own posting rules.

My plan is to post regularly, on Australian national topics, state politics and general or world events. While I will never censor a post for holding views that run contrary to mine (in fact I look forward to well thought out debate), I will edit out profanity, ad hominem attacks and spam. Where these (non-spam) posts have been edited, the complete content will be available in a "edited posts" thread, so that editing shenanigans so common on the web do not occur here.

So let's talk politics, let's not make it personal but by all means make your points as forcefully as you want.

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